This educational, entertaining and thought-provoking novel is written by Dave Millier and available for purchase from Amazon. Looking for an exciting read? Breached! A cautionary tale of cybersecurity and intrigue is the book for you.
Increase your awareness of the most common cybersecurity threats.
Read about internet security, online threats and safe web practices.
Learn about safeguards that address a threat and mitigate risk.
Sometimes shortened to InfoSec, it's the practice of defending information from unauthorized access.
Protecting your systems and applications to monitor for and prevent unauthorized access.
Organizations of all sizes are dependent on the continuous availability of their IT systems.
Book Dave to come talk about Breached! and the 20+ years of consulting history that helped form the background for this compelling read.
He can also talk about various aspects of cybersecurity and digital privacy and how it affects everyone, not just big companies.